My laptop suffered an unknown failure where it would power down and reboot at a progressively faster rate. I was able to recover all my data from it, however it became unusable. I started with a virus sweep, which then progressed further onto defragmenting the harddrive, system restore, registry cleaning, system recovery, and then a total harddrive wipe. None of these worked as I couldn't recover the system or reinstall the software without the laptop powering down in the process. I originally thought this was a software issue, as I could boot to safe mode with networking and operate relatively alright. However eventually safe mode failed to load up itself. I removed one harddrive and wiped the other and tried to reinstall that way, but the system still powered down, which led me to believe it was a hardware failure that as of the moment I am unable to identify.
So, I have been computer hunting/shopping for a bit now. The laptop semi-death has led to a failure on updating statistics too (that and the beta playing-since I might be allowed to say that?).
I am back at school now, where I have a lot more resources at my disposal. Once I get moved into my apartment expect the statistics to come up fast. I have been extremely frustrated at my inability to continue this over the last month+, but **** happens.
My sincerest apologies for the delay. The statistics will return though (hopefully sooner than later!)
Freshly updated statistics for all!
A few of the images took a quality hit, as apparently my university decided to end its partnership with Microsoft, which pulled the most recent version of Microsoft Office from our ITAP servers and left us instead with Apache Open Office, which is inferior IMO. As I only work with an older version on my own computer, I was left to use other means for my displaying purposes. This won't happen again.
Expansion plans are coming that will negate this issue and allow for more rapid statistic updates...

We are rapidly approaching 190,000 users, but we will not hit the 225,000 user mark by July 17th as projected back in May. Membership is still increasing at a healthy rate, but has tempered some.
First, Founders sales up to date.

As of yesterday, 9,323 people had purchased the legendary pack, 5,941 had purchased the elite, and 745 had purchased the veteran.
Therefore, the total number of founders members currently sits at around 16,009 members.
What are your odds of getting a beta invite if you are a founder?
500 invites: 3.12%
1000 invites: 6.24%
1500 invites: 9.36%
2000 invites: 12.49%
*The total number of founders does not exclude the number of founders already in the closed beta. Those numbers are not available, nor could I give them to you if they were (NDA). To play it safe, I would add approximately 15-30% onto those percentages.
In other words, there is a great chance you are getting into the beta with the next round of invites if you are a founder.
A word of note here, House Steiner has made a major leap in recruiting and threatens to topple House Davion here soon.

There seems to be an outcry over some disparities in the numbers of some mercenary units. This is because I do not use any program to calculate the number of members in each mercenary faction. I use what is reported to me by commanders and, if requested by a member, what I can find on the unit websites. This is not always 100% accurate, and I have never attempted to state it is. To the ELP: either I misread the number I saw on the website, or made a typo, I do not know.
However I can assure you the rest of the statistics are taken directly from the forums and are extremely accurate, if not exact.

To answer some common questions that come up here, I try to update these statistics once every two weeks. Seems to be a decent time frame to allow noticable changes.
I do not have a Founders tag currently. However this is not because I do not trust or support PGI and what they are doing. It is more because I am a college student who has more pressing needs from time to time. I have full intentions of purchasing one before the offer expires and I encourage everyone to get one as well.
My data is gathered through my own written program. All data I pull from the web, but how I do it I keep secret, to prevent copiers and Comstar spies!
As always, death to Comstar!
I didn't update the forum posts, because frankly, they remain about the same (although there is a massive increase in the number of posts and an increase in the number of active users). If you want the plain numbers with no graphs, here you go:
185,298 total forum members when last updated (yesterday)
538,154 total forum posts
161,273 members have never made a post.
This leaves 22,915 members responsible for half a million posts.
Of those 22,915 members, only 1,111 have more than 100 posts. They account for an estimated total 283,200 forum posts. Meaning .59% of the total forum population and 4.84% of posting members make up 52.62% of all forum posts. This is a .05% decrease in total percentage, and a .77% increase in the 100+ post forum club.
Good job stepping up your game everyone!
No gender update either, because there are still only 580 members who identify themselves as girls.

Edited by Hawkeye 72, 24 August 2012 - 08:23 AM.